Monday, August 18, 2008

she screams she screams my name at night

she's oh so sexual.

and a completely different topic.

these are the parts of my body where i have surface bruising
my knees
my thighs [some left over from drumline]
my hips
my entire pelvis.
my stomach
my ribs
my elbows
my entire upper arms/shoulders

these are where i have internal bruising
my ribs [front and back]
my neck
my spine
my shoulders

i feel like i'm drowning when i breathe
due to spinal trauma

i'm nauseas 24/7
and i have migraine type headaches constantly

i was shot in the hand with a bbgun,
so i can't feel the last 3 fingers on my dominant hand.

this sucks ass

dear slip-n-slide fuck you
dear rocks under slip-n-slide fuck you even more
dear erika who thinks really big dives make slip-n-slides more awesome. motherfucking fuck you.

this week is going to fucking suck.

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