Monday, October 27, 2008

and i will dwell in the house of the lord


not like i'm crazy religious, but i love that song so much
we sang it frosh year, and now listening to it again i remember why it struck me as so good
it has nothing about COME TO OUR CHURCH OR GO TO HELL
the lord is my shepherd.

and maybe i have god or just good luck
but despite some downsies
my life is pretty awesome.

patience is a virtue but i'm not very virtuous
but maybe i can deal.
also a good jumping would speed things along.

I'm a little upset that maya seems to be the only person in my life not lying to me
but i think the last 4 years have made me so used to it, that it only bothers me slightly
i wish i could stop relating my life to songs, it's obnoxious.

bcreeps creeps me out a lot
i mean, really singing hey baby to me?
when i'm with my friends?
when you would break my scale?
and you're like 12 years old
albeit you have pretty eyes.
but that doesn't even close to make up for your bad grammar

my favorite teacher thinks i hate him
maybe i'm a condescending bitch? who knows.
that's what i've heard

speaking of things i'm good at
choir concert tonight at 7:30
be thurrrrrr

and i'll finish it with my new obsession song

The Secret Handshake - Coastal Cities

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